Sunday, January 29, 2006

Postmodernism, OTCLOLC part II

Once more, please share your thoughts...

Friday, January 27, 2006


the essay of which i spoke at the Jameson reading group last is titled "The Dark Wood of Postmodernity (Space, Faith Allegory)" and appears in PMLA 120.3 (2005): 734-50.
"... allegory comes to stand as a placeholder--in much of Jameson's work--for cognitive mapping: postmodern networks may not be mappable, but contemporary phenomena are allegorizeable as the symptoms of postmodernism. Allegory appears as the productive sublimation of a cartographic drive; the allegorical operation substitutes hermeneutic certainty for cartographic clarity while sharing the same incorporative ambitions" (737).

& etc.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Political Unconscious

Please respond to this post with a critical question or two from The Political Unconscious.